Sunday, November 21, 2010

Staying faithful to writers

Guest post written by Beth Walters

I'm not one of those people that skip around and just read whatever books they can find. I like the security that reading the same authors gives because then I know a little more of what to expect. I just hate uncertainty and surprises, so you can probably guess that I hate mystery novels.

One of the writers that I've always been able to depend on writing stuff that I'll always love though is Danielle Steel. I like to use my CLEARWIRE wireless internet to get alerts through Google about when she's coming out with a new book, so I'm always up to speed on her work.

And I'm glad that there are lots of Danielle Steel books to read and keep me busy. IÕm kind of a slow reader and it at least takes me a few weeks to finish even the shortest books because I read them bit by bit. So that every time I finish a book, it seems like thereÕs another Danielle Steel book waiting there for me to read and finish.

"I have been paid for this post."

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