Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Favorite Mini Series

Thanks to Jonathon Woods

My favorite mini series that I watch using my satelite tv deals is Everybody loves Raymond. The antics of Raymond and his strung out wife dealing with her in laws are hilarious. Raymond's brother is played by an actor who could play basketball and the feuding between the two brothers who look nothing like each other is very realistic.

My favorite show was when Raymond's mother baked a cake for his brother for his brother. Raymond got jealous and his mother took the cake away from the birthday boy and gave it to Raymond. The reality of the show is very keen as many people who come from homes with similar parental attempts to keep the favorite child happy at the expense of the other is true to life.

At any rate, when Raymond's mother comes over with the other brother's cake, Raymond is sitting at the kitchen table eating a cake that is three times the size of the cake that she baked for his brother. He admits that he was jealous and got his own cake. He then had two cakes to eat. He makes a fuss over his mother's cake and she fondly tells him to leave a piece for the birthday boy.

I have been paid for this guest post.

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