Friday, November 9, 2007


My son Jake has been interested in the computer since I can remember. As he grew older he decided he wanted to find a way to earn money while spending his valuable time on the computer. So, he got on line and started to experiment. For a while it seemed that everything he tried only cost him money and instead of making some. Then one day he came across a possibility to get paid to blog. He already enjoyed blogging and thought, why not try it out. Well, soon we could see that these were companies that were reputable and that he was in fact earning money. He soon started to show us all how to get paid for blogging. Smorty is a great company that combines the advertiser with the blogger. We are then paid to give our opinions on products and websites. We link to the advertisers site so others can check them out for themselves. Blog advertising is fun and interesting and a great way to earn some extra cash. Smorty has sure helped me with linking to that advertiser and getting paid to blog. Thanks Smorty!

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