Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Apple Tree

This year we are planning on taking down our apple tree. It is in the way of where we want our new garage. We hope the tree is easy to take down. I know we could pay someone to do the work but I think we will do the job ourselves. Even if we weren't going to build a garage we would still cut the tree down. We will miss the apples for a short time, but not all the work of cleaning the yard as they fall to the ground. It has been a great apple tree. The apples are so great for baking.

1 comment:

clare3 said...

It could be worth it having someone else take it down and haul it away. And then they grind the stuff down to ground level too. A lot of people love apple wood for their fireplaces. Sometimes if you let people know you have one,and they have a fireplace, they will come and take it out for nothing for the wood. Too many have been killed by a big falling branch. Please be careful.