Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Terrible News

It seems like there has been an over abundance of terrible news lately. From shootings to traffic accidents the news has been busy reporting things that I am tired of hearing about. I don't want to get so used to the bad news that it becomes normal. Many of the car crashes talked about in the news could have been avoided since most are alcohol or drug related. I think we all need to watch out for each other and be there to help when needed. I know we can't be everywhere at once but we might be able to pay attention to the things around us and look for potential problems before someone gets hurt. For example, when you see the car full of young kids driving fast down your street you could approach those involved and let them know how dangerous it is to do the things they are doing. Also, don't be afraid to call your local police when you see something that just doesn't seem right.

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