Friday, September 9, 2011

Introducing my boyfriend to Boardwalk Empire before the new season

Guest post written by Jennifer Cox

I can guarantee that if my boyfriend dislikes something, he'll be a terror to sit through it with. For example, he really hates some of the reality shoes that I love to watch and will refuse to hush while they're on. It's really annoying and I try to persuade him from doing that. But when it comes to my favorite scripted TV shows, I threaten to break up with him if he interferes with those.
I told him though that there was no way he was going to like that when it came to watching the new season of Boardwalk Empire. It was my new favorite show of last year and you simply don't mess with that. While I was online looking up some info on rewatching the first season, I ran across some info on mobile broadband internet providers. After I looked through it a little bit I decided to change over our home internet access to one of them.

I think that I actually have him looking forward to the Boardwalk Empire new season. I've made him watch a few episodes from the first season and he's definitely enticed.

"I have been paid for this guest post."

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