Monday, December 28, 2009


The weather can sure put a damper on the holidays. It didn't stop our clan. The guys all got out there winter duds and dressed up the grandchildren to go out and play. It was beautiful outside.


We had our family Christmas yesterday. Each year we continue to grow and expand as the grandchildren grow up and marry. We added two new family members this past year. They're a great bunch of people!

Monday, December 21, 2009

Fun in the Sun?

Fun in the sun? Or not! But, lots of fun in the snow!! Grampa and daddy had fun playing with Emry out in the snow today! They tried out the new sled. They had a great time!

Friday, December 18, 2009

Dark Circles Under Eyes

Christmas time is such a busy time of year. The hustle and bustle of shopping, baking, wrapping and other things that need to be done. It can make a person tired, have dark circles under eyes and just be plan rung out at times. We all need to slow down and enjoy the season for what it is truly meant to be about. Spend time with your families and enjoy the church services that are provided.

Office Furniture

I have worked in an office atmosphere for many years now. Over that time I have found that it is very important to have the correct chair for comfort. With office furniture you can see a difference in the way you work and feel throughout the day. The height of a desk can also play into that. There are times that I wish my work station was just a little bit lower.

Saturday, December 12, 2009


We have two new grandsons, one born on Nov. 23rd and the other born on Dec. 5th. It is so nice to hold a newborn again. It seems like they are so fragile, but the nurses and doctors handle them quite differently. I am sure they deal with so many newborns that they are used to holding them. I just love how babies can snuggle up on you and depend on you. We are very blessed.

Cancun All Inclusive

Who doesn't like to travel during the winter months? I know where we live, it is a blessing to go away, relax and feel the warmth somewhere down south. A Cancun All Inclusive is quite tempting for many. The Karisma Resorts in the Riviera Maya sound amazing! With there white-sand beaches and beautiful sunsets, a person is sure to enjoy the location as well as the accommodations. There are five different types of Karisma Resorts to chose from. The Azul Beach Hotel- Riviera Maya is on a beautiful stretch of the Bahia Pentempich beach in Puerto Moreles. It has been recently updated with it's 98 rooms and family friendly atmosphere. The service is excellent and everything is at your finger tips when it comes to sun bathing. What a great way to relax and forget about your cares. Re-energize with the Karisma Resorts.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Our Newest Grandson!!

Our son Josh and his wife Diana have a new son, Israel Michael! He weighed 8 lbs 11 oz. and was 20 1/2 in long. His little brother Emry loves him so. The one picture is of my twins Josh and Jenna holding their new little baby boys. In the other I am holding Kaden our other newest grandson. We feel very blessed. :)

Friday, December 4, 2009

Anilox Cleaning

There are so many different cleaners out there today. They even have canned air for cleaning out those tough to clean areas such as a keyboard. Who would have thought you could buy air? Anilox cleaning is used for degreasing in a variety of machines. It seems that what ever the need, there is a product out there to solve the problem.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Kaden Scott

We have been waiting for our new grand babies and this past week Kaden Scott arrived! Our daughter and her husband are now the proud parents of two children. Big sister Kaelyn is 2 yrs old and so in love with her little brother. Our son and his wife are due on Dec 5th with another precious grandson. We are anxiously awaiting his arrival! We feel very blessed!

Free Web Directory

Boy, it is really something how technology has changed our lives. Everything seems to be at our finger tips now. What every you are looking for, it is easier then ever. If you are searching, there is a free web directory. If you want to just browse, it is fun and quick. I sometimes wonder what we ever did before the internet. I know most things took a lot more time. The world is moving at a faster pace now.

Anti Wrinkle Treatment

I was having some problems with my eye glasses today. I decided to call up my optometrist and see if the gal there could adjust and tighten my frames. I've known this girl for many years. We got to discussing how we are aging and what we would like to do about it. I know a person can try an anti wrinkle treatment or something more invasive like surgery, but I have a feeling we will just grow older gracefully.

Personalized Jewelry

Anyone that knows me very well, knows how much I love jewelry of all kinds. I think that jewelry is a wonderful gift idea also. Personalized Jewelry is a special gift in my eyes. It is made personally for the special individual. It's also a great idea for gifts given at a wedding. I did that for those who I had asked to be in my wedding. It's something a person will always have to remember.

Myrtle Beach Condo Rentals

About four or five years ago we took a trip down to Myrtle Beach with our daughter and her then "new" husband. We had a wonderful time. I wouldn't mind looking into the myrtle beach condo rentals. It's a beautiful location with a lot to do. My husband and son-in-law sure enjoyed the golfing down there. My daughter and I enjoyed shopping and laying on the beach. It's a great place!

Christmas Time

Isn't it fun to watch children at Christmas time? They are in awe of most everything. Our grandson Emry was enjoying their tree and all of the lights!

Las Vegas Packages

It's getting to be that time of year when my husband and I start to think about traveling. We enjoy getting away some in the winter months. The cold and snow get old. You can find some great deals on line such as las vegas packages. We have visited there one time and would like to go back again. It sounds warm and inviting.


My daughter and daughter-in-law were both expecting babies this year. Our daughter recently had a baby boy and our daughter-in-law is due any day now. Our daughter-in-law Diana really wanted to have a baby shower for our daughter Jenna. She held it back in Sept and had a cute theme for it. Jenna is a teacher so Di thought it would be neat to ask guests to bring books of their choosing for the baby. It was a neat idea.


Well, it's nearing the Christmas season and the stores are busy. My son's through out the years, have enjoyed playing the XBox. The company continues to progress, make improvements and bring out new games to play. Every time that a new XBox machine is created, they think that they need to have it. Our youngest son has set outside of a store for hours, freezing I might add, to purchase the newest machine. It's just crazy.

Sunday, November 22, 2009


Our grand daughter Kaelyn loves to sing. Her mommy and daddy caught some video of her singing her ABC's. She knows Jesus Loves Me also, but wasn't going to cooperate at that moment. ;)

Sunday, November 15, 2009


We've had an emotional week. My mother-in-law passed away. She had been diagnosed with Alzhiemers back in 1995. She struggled and by mid 2000's she no longer knew any of her family. It is a very sad thing to watch. But, often a funeral will bring families together. It was great to have the grand children and great grand children all together. There is just Bill and his brother Mike. This is some of our family photos. It was difficult to get a clear picture of my family with the two little ones. It was a sad but, special time.

Las Vegas Accounting Firm

There are so many details in life. With that comes a lot of paper work. We all face the dreaded tax time of year but, we know that it is something that we all need to take care of. When running a business you will find great quantities of paper work. A good accountant is usually needed. Kondler CPA is a Las Vegas accounting firm. They are a respected leader in their field as well as highly qualified to work with all industries out there. They have a great deal of experience with the following industries: Homeowner Associations,Casinos/Gaming, Contractors,Developers,Retail/Convenience Stores,Professionals (Medical, Attorneys, Engineers),High Net-Worth Individuals,Entertainment,Bars and Restaurants and more. Check out Kondler CPA's for your accountant needs.
**I was paid for this post. My honest opinion was given and not swayed in any way.**

Friday, November 13, 2009


Kaelyn enjoyed going through her animal book with mommy. She's a sharp little girl. :)

The ABC's

Our grand daughter Kaelyn just turned two and she is a quick study. Here she is going through some of her ABC's with her mommy. She loves to talk.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Fall Fun!

What fun to romp and play in the leaves with my grand children. They loved it! My daughter's yard has huge trees and we had no trouble finding a pile of leaves to play in.

Ferrari Parts

My youngest son has always taken a great interest in cars. Since he began driving, he has put a lot of time and money into them. It's a joy in his life. He seems to always know where a person can find parts that they are looking for. Whether its Ferrari parts or another make, he will search it out. It's nice to enjoy a hobby, like he does.

Baby Strollers

My daughter is due to have a baby in the next few weeks. She has been busy picking up some last minute items she feels necessary for the little one. I had looked into purchasing baby strollers for her and my daughter in-law. They are interested in the two seaters. I was surprised to find a variety available.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009


Our grandson has been living in Texas for the past couple of year, so he has not had the opportunity of experiencing all of the beautiful fall colors. He had a great time playing in the piles of leaves!

Monday, October 26, 2009

Have you ever heard of ShopWiki before? They are very well known to most who do online shopping like myself. What's so great about ShopWiki you ask? Well, they find every store on the Internet by crawling much like Google does. Unlike many other traditional shopping sites, they don't just show those who have paid for placement, but give the shopper everything! This makes it so easy for you as the shopper to find whatever it is you are looking for! Like computer keyboards for instance. I am currently looking for something like this for my son-in-law for Christmas. It's been so easy with ShopWiki. Convenience while shopping online is a must in my opinion, and offers that. I can find the best deals this way, which is also a must.

I am really happy I came across the ShopWiki site and all they have to offer. Whether it's printers, desktop computers, or even laptop computers you're looking for...they have it all! The Holiday Season is almost upon us which means many of us will be shopping online a lot. Don't overpay and don't give up when you can't find what you're looking for, just use!

Saturday, October 24, 2009


If you are a mother or father, can you recall finding your child a mess like this? It brought back memories for me. I can remember spaghetti the best I think. I would just pick up my children and set them in the tub. It was the easiest way to clean them. :)

Antispyware Software

It's hard to believe that not so long ago we didn't even own our own computer. Now we are rarely down to less then two of them around here. With the responsibility of that ownership comes protecting ourselves. Along with progress in technology in computers comes advancements in antispyware software. It feels good to have the needed coverage for our personal protection.

Disability Appeal

We have a friend that was recently in a very serious car accident. He has been struggling to come back to full restoration. He was actually in a coma for six or so weeks. Now he is in rehabilitation and working hard. There have been a few legal/insurance obstacles. If there is a need for a disability appeal in the future, it's nice to have access to information online.

Life Insurance Lead

Insurance is big business today. It is a much needed option in peoples lives. We recently decided to look into better prices for our personal insurance. With companies like life insurance lead, Insurance agents are able to be on the cutting edge and updated at all times. We found that we were able to save over $500 a year which is amazing. I'm sure glad we checked into it.

New Tires

We recently had new tires put on our SUV. They weren't cheap but I am glad we got them. I can't say that I can tell a difference in the ride but I feel better about having the new tires. The old ones had pretty good tread but there were little weather cracks in them. We had purchased the vehicle only a couple months ago and the tires were the originals.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Cancun Mexico

I so look forward to travel. It's exciting to plan and get away. A few years ago we flew down to cancun mexico. We went with a fairly large group of people. We had a great time! What beautiful beaches they have. We traveled during the winter months so the warm weather was welcomed. We may just have to plan another visit sometime.

ADHD In Children

There has become somewhat of a controversy when it comes to vaccines. Many feel as though there are dangerous site effects from these vaccines. There is now talk that adhd in children may be linked also as well as autism. It is sad to think that perhaps something that is meant for the good of man may also be harming them.

Fat Burner

Many today are looking to find ways to assist in removing some of those added pounds that have appeared over the years. I know I have found that with age it is more difficult to keep those unwanted pounds off. There are a variety of choice available for helping with this problem. It could be a fat burner pill or maybe just exercising. Many of us want to be healthier and are becoming more concerned with what we are eating.

Amish Fireplaces

We have lived in our home for over 26 years. In that time we discussed having a fireplace put in someday. We finally started to look into it. We have admired the Amish fireplaces. They are made with such beauty. The craftsmanship is amazing! These people definitely know what they are doing. The quality and beauty far out ways the cost. It is something to consider.

Garage Floor

My husband is still discussing building another garage sometime. We presently have a single and he would like to add another double. He has begun to look into what type of garage floor he might like and how expensive it may all be. I know he would be thrilled to get it started over the next few months. We'll have to see what happens!


My son works for a University and they recently held a date auction to raise money. My grandson Emry was up for the choosing. He looked so cute!

Weight Loss Pills

As I grow older I am finding it much more difficult to keep off those unwanted pounds. Throughout my life I never really had to give it much thought before. In researching I have found that there are different methods given for weight loss. Some say it's through weight loss pills. Others feel it's better to exercise and monitor what we are eating. What ever is healthiest for each individual is probably best.


Our world is quickly changing. When I think back to when I was a child, there have been so many new inventions and creations. I can remember our first VCR recorder. It was huge and heavy. The electronics industry continues to progress and move on. Everything seems to become smaller and lighter with time. It's pretty amazing.

Car Accessories

We recently purchased a new vehicle. It is always fun driving it for that first while. My youngest son is very much into his cars! From the time he could drive, he has been fixing and updating what ever car he has owned. To him car accessories are a big deal and with them he had done some amazing things. The accessories can add that personal touch.

Industrial Computer

It's hard to believe that just 15 years ago we didn't even own a computer. Now they are everywhere. It seems that most have more then one. I know we feel a little bit lost if one of ours is down. We always have a desk top and lap top available to us. It's a convenience thing I suppose. Now you can find the industrial computer as well. The industry continues to grow.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Blue Advantage

Not only is there now the scare of unemployment, but also being left without valuable health insurance. It is important to secure and protect our families. There is the Blue Advantage and others being offered. Usually many different types, a person can choose from, at a variety of costs. It's easier then ever to receive quotes and decide for yourself.

Friday, October 16, 2009


It can be a big decision as to what will be for supper. I don't mind making the meal but sometimes it can be a real chore to decide what to make. Bill makes some meals too and he agrees that it can be hard to come up with meals night after night. Maybe we should have a list of what we will make for the week and stick with it. Naw, probably not....

Precious Metals Quotes

There is a variety of ways to invest and improve ones financial worth. Today many of us are looking for a wise investment. Now through the Monex Deposit Company you may find what you are looking for. This company has been in business for over 30 years. They are a leader in the sales of gold, silver and other precious metals. Silver and gold come in ingot form. You can find different sizes and shapes. Gold has been a sign of wealth and purchasing power for many years. It has changed lives. With Monex you can receive assistance in precious metals quotes and decide what might be an outstanding investment for you personally.

I was paid for this post. My honest opinion was given and not swayed in any way.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Wall Candle Sconces

Throughout the years I have enjoyed decorating and changing our home. I have had a variety of wall decor. The wall candle sconces were always a favorite. The styles have changed, but the idea is still the same. They can add to the mood of the room. Whether it was a rod iron or wood, there are many styles to choose from.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

25 yrs ago!

As we set at my nephew's Wedding Reception yesterday we were visiting with family. The grand kids were sitting on mine and Bill's laps eating a sucker when someone decided to take a picture. They were commenting on how 25 years ago that was me and Bill sitting with our twins on our laps and now we had our twin's children sitting there. It took us back..................

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Happy 59th Anniversary Mom and Dad!

Happy 59th Wedding Anniversary Mom and Dad!! My parents will celebrate their 59th anniversary tomorrow! It is so wonderful to have such an awesome example of love and commitment in our lives. Thanks mom and dad!

Monday, September 28, 2009

Market Communications

If you're looking for IP Contact and Call Center Solutions I would suggest looking into Market Communications! They offer all kinds of resources for your call center, including products and services like: call recording, wireless setups, advanced cabling, and more.

I think it's great that all of these resources are offered in one place. It allows you to save time and money which is something I'm sure many of us can appreciate! If you'd like more information about what Market Communications can do for you, I would urge you to head over to their website today and take a look. You won't be sorry you did!

Friday, September 25, 2009


Isn't it something the great memory kids have? We had our grand daughter Kaelyn over the weekend. She always remembers right where we keep the little stuffed puppy, Lamb Chop and Tigger. She will go right to them. It's so cute. She is quite the sweetheart.

Ceramic Tile

Recently a friend and I were discussing flooring and back splash. We stopped in a flooring store to see what types of ceramic tile, linoleum, laminate, and wood flooring they carried. To our surprise, we found a wide selection to choose from. There is some beautiful stuff out there.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Office Supplies

I have had a small on line business for the past few years. We decided with the time I am using for this business, that I should have an office area. I am about due for a new desk, chair and chair floor mat. It's fun to shop for new office supplies. Small or large, they are easy to find. What will I buy next? Hum....

Friday, September 18, 2009


It's such a joy to have our grand children close by. Our grand daughter is about 45 minutes away and our grand son is about 2 hours away. That's not to bad. For several years our grand son was about 5 states way, so we are very blessed to have him closer now. The kids are so much fun. They are now toddlers and such a joy to be around.

Medical Marijuana

It's sad to see so many today struggling with sickness and disease. Our medical community continues to research new methods of treatment and also types of drugs. One controversial drug in discussion is Medical Marijuana. There are strong feelings on both sides of the issue. Now you can read more about this topic on the website. It is a free source of information that may assist you in understanding the drug usage and its legalities. The laws governing this drug vary from state to state. You can also read reviews and experiences from other consumers. Check out the MMG site today.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Cooler Temperature

We have had much cooler temperatures in the past couple months. It has been nice to have the windows open in the house and leave the AC off. Many believe the almanac is correct this year that we are going to have more snow than usual. I think we just need to wait and see what weather we will have. I have actually heard it both ways.

Fun To Drive

It is always nice to have a vehicle that is fun to drive. We have a Ford Escape which I totally love to drive. We had a full size pickup which road better than most cars. I have only driven the truck once and that was just week before we traded it in. It was traded for a used Mercury Mountaineer SUV. I have driven it and loved it also. It's quite a bit bigger then the Escape, but I think we're going to enjoy it.

Airsoft AEG

There are many today that enjoy a sport that calls for an airgun of some sort. You can now find a variety of products all within one shopping location. At you will find airsoft aeg guns and more. Zephyr Sports began in 2003 with their focus on the sport of paintball. They quickly added a line of airsoft gear and BB and pellet Air Guns. With the amazing prices you can find and free shipping, you are sure to be pleased. They also carry accessories such as safety glasses, battery chargers and biodegradable bb's. Check out their online site or call 877-814-4297 for assistance.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Another Bichon

Today Bill met with someone who had a Bichon like our dog Zoe. He said that the dog was a 3 year old female with the name of Snowflake. Snowflake is quite a bit smaller than Zoe and her hair is more wavy than curly. Bill said, the dog was very well mannered and friendly too. We have really loved our dog even though Bill will sometimes act like he would give her away in a second.

Colon Cleanse Reviews

How does a person feel cleansed and healthier within. We have friends that would swear by some type of colon cleanse. We are big on doing our homework, so my husband has read some extensive colon cleanse reviews. Our bodies tend to hold both the good and the bad of what we take in. Some feel it is very good to do that more thorough cleansing.

How to lose belly fat

People of all ages are looking for ways to live healthier, lose weight and feel good. One of the big pushes today is "how to lose belly fat". So many of us struggle with that problem. It's not always an easy fix. It can take dedication and hard work. They say it is more difficult for females. I think that is probably true.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Search Engines

How many search engines are there? It seems that someone is always telling me to try a search engine that they have found. For a long time I didn't know there were more than just a couple of them. Now they are all over the place. I guess as long as I can find what I want online I don't mind which one is used.

Family Vacation

If you are like us, then you enjoy taking a fun filled family vacation! Over the years we have made so many awesome memories with our family. There are also adult vacations. If you are looking for something like that then you may want to check out the Karisma Hotels. They are located on the Mexican Riviera Maya. This is a beautiful destination with it's white-sand beaches over looking the Mexican Caribbean. There are several of these resorts all offering wonderful food and entertainment. If it's a swim-up suite you will find what you are looking for. The accommodations are amazing. The service is excellent. You will feel pampered and enjoy kicking back and relaxing. Unwind at a Karisma Hotel today!

New Neighbors

A few weeks ago we had new neighbors move in next door. We have met the parents but have yet to speak with the kids. They also have two dogs which are in a kennel in the back yard. The dogs seem to be quite friendly which is a good thing. The couple has started to clean the place up which is also a good thing. We hope to meet the rest of their family soon.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Orlando Vacations

Over the years my family and I have taken several orlando vacations. Florida was one of our favorite destinations. My children have made some great memories during those family trips. The location is amazing and the amusement parks and entertainment are unending. If you haven't planned that Florida vacation yet. Be sure to do it before those kids grow up and leave home.

Business Gifts

I was reading about business gifts and solutions for that giving. Do you find it difficult in some situations in deciding what type of gift may be appropriate. Now on line you can find assistance in just the right type of giving. With Charity Choice you will find the right fit for what you are needing. It's great to have a site that can help during those difficult moments.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009


The A&W restaurant has been around for many years. I can remember friends of mine working at the local A&W when I was a teenager. My grand daughter and daughter were here visiting today. We decided to go to the A&W for lunch. It was fun to get their frosted root beer mug. Kaelyn loved the food and also enjoyed the entertainment. There were a lot of kids and parents there. Tomorrow is the first day of school so I suppose they were out enjoying their last day of freedom. :)

Win Free UGG Boots!!

I came across a giveaway I want to pass on . You can learn more about it here at A Mom's Balancing Act. With winter around the corner who wouldn't want to win free boots especially when they are as stylish as these.

Sheepskin boots

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

AC Filters

I never realized how many different types of filters are out there today. Recently my husband decided we should replace our furnace filters. They say that is a good idea so I'm glad he did it. There are water filters, AC filters, refrigerator filters and more. Make sure you replace and clean out your filters for a better running appliance.


Well, it is official. I think we have our upstairs bathroom complete. Bill installed our new Hunter ceiling light and fan. It is brush nickle and also has a night light. I really enjoy the night light so that if I am up in the middle of the night, I can hit that switch and not have a bright light hitting me in the eyes. All in all we are very happy with the outcome. It's looking great!

Friday, July 31, 2009

Ravel Virtual Studios

Music departments seem to be suffering with the cutbacks some schools are taking, but not anymore!! With Ravel Virtual Studios, high school, university and conservatory music departments can take advantage of their new music education resources for their classes!! So why is this so special you ask?! Well, because now study becomes more than music on a becomes real with the realistic sounding performances! Many students will enjoy actually hearing a performance of their work. Pretty impressive if you ask me!

In my opinion this is a great way to inspire students and encourage them to work even harder. Interactive learning is always better in my opinion. If you'd like to learn more, you can check out the Music Education Resources on their website today. Not only will you find a wealth of information there, but also very affordable prices that you won't find anywhere else!

Wednesday, July 29, 2009


Back in the 80's my family and I took a trip to Florida. While there we rented a camcorder. It was large and heavy. When returning home we purchased one similar that cost us around $1200. Thank goodness camcorders have come a long way. We have since purchased them as gifts for our children. They are smaller and very convenient.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009


Josh, Di and Emry were chillin after a dip in the pool. It finally warmed up enough to have the kids outside some. It actually felt warm in the sun. The girls are about 21 weeks along now and both enjoyed sitting on the swing with their feet in the water. Isn't family wonderful? We feel very blessed!


We're all looking for great deals and an easy way to shop. If you are shopping for life enhancing products look no further. With you can find just about everything you may need. This company was founded in 1996 and is presently serving over 1 million customers. They are an independently owned online retailer. Continuing to grow, they now have categories such as Exercise and Fitness Equipment, Nutritional Dietary Supplements, Maternity/Baby Supplies and Outdoor Gear. You can find such products as ensure, pediasure, shower chairs, breast feeding pillows and more. Not only that, but they offer serious limited time specials and discounts to those signing up on the Home Page. Click in today.


While the kids were all home this past weekend, our town had fireworks on Sat. evening. For a small community we all agreed that it was a pretty nice fireworks display. The grand finale was very impressive. The grand kids really enjoyed it, but were growing tired.


For those that haven't heard, there is a concert coming to the north Iowa area in August. It will be pretty much a hard rock concert and I for one am not really interested in that kind of music. Wait, I am not at all interested! But for those who are, you can find more information on this concert by checking out the website at

Covered Calls

With the economy in the shape that it is in, more and more people are trying to be watchful with their money. What is the best investment? How does a person go about it? Now you can find tools that will assist you in protecting your investments and making wise choices. With PowerOptions you will find the data essential for covered calls, comparing, analyzing and making money on stock option trading. Their technology is cutting edge and support is awesome. They can sort, filter and analyze over 3,000+ optionable stocks and 195,000+ options online. Now it is easier then ever to find the right investments to meet your financial goals. Start today with PowerOptions.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Uncle Jake

My youngest son Jake, loves being an uncle. He gives of his time to be with his niece and nephew. If they need anything, he is there. It's so sweet. It was getting to be nap time here. They both ended up sleeping for a while.

Bike Trails

Bill has a friend that goes running and biking on a trail in his town. It is a well groomed trail that many in the community use. Lights are in place to make people feel more secure while on the trail. More towns are designing running/biking trails and I think it is a great idea.

Online College Courses

It is so great to see individuals completing their master's and PhD degrees on line while still working. It is good to know that those dreams can become a reality. With Capella University you will find an accredited, fully online university. With their online college courses you can further your education. This school offers graduate degree programs in information technology, human services, public safety, psychology, public health and more. They also offer bachelor degree programs besides. You can go online and see a pod cast of staff and students sharing their experiences with online courses. Click in and see what they all have to offer.

This blog post is based on information provided by Blogitive. For more information, please visit


Bill got me golfing two years ago and although I don't go often, I really enjoy the game. Honestly, I figured it would be totally boring and no fun at all. I was wrong. At first I struggled with most parts of the game and I still have a tough time with certain aspects, but I am getting better. I can now see why Bill and the kids have liked to golf all of these past years. The guys like to go out as much as possible.


Since we only have a single garage we have to make sure that we use the space wisely. When not in use we store our bicycles on hooks from the ceiling. It is sort of a pain to get them down each time we go on a bike ride but it is the only thing we can do until we build a new garage. Our bikes seem to stay in better shape because they aren't getting banged in to all of the time.

Cubic Zirconium Jewelry

Is it time to start shopping for that perfect gift for someone in your life? Are you unsure as to what you should purchase? Well, Holsted Jewelers have amazing ideas for you. They are experienced design jewelers with a vast selection of cubic zirconium jewelry and more for you to choose from. Their designers have created hundreds of jewelry multiples. These perfectly matched jewelry wardrobes are great to finish off that outfit. This company can assist you with your purchase no matter what the taste or budget. The more you buy the more you save. You can't beat that. Shop Holsted's and let them WOW you!


Our family got together for the weekend and celebrated Bill's birthday. There was also a city celebration which occurs each year. We went to the parade Saturday morning and also watched fireworks that night. Bill grilled burgers and hot dogs and we enjoyed all the salads and desserts too. We had such a great time! The grandkids played in the pool as we adults enjoyed the sunshine. It's wonderful to be with family.

Air Conditioner

Sunday we noticed that our AC in the house wasn't doing its job. Not much air was coming from the vents and Bill found that there was ice on the air conditioner line outside. He called our plumbing and heating business in town and they were quick to respond to help. We had lost a little freon from the unit, but hopefully it is fixed now. It's great to live in small town America!

Family Vacation

Are you looking to relax? Needing a get-away that will amaze you? Look no further. The Karisma Resort Hotels offer luxurious accommodations along with top notch service. This experience staff will make sure that your visit is a unique stay. Located along the Mexican Riviera Maya, you will enjoy the beauty of the white-sand beaches. With a winding river connection to a pool and swim-up bar, you won't have far to go to kick back and relax. You'll find five-star dinning as well as up scale entertainment. Don't hesitate, check into the Karisma Hotels today and begin the adventure. It will be a family vacation like no other!

Monday, July 20, 2009

High Winds

My son's live in a city about two hours from us. Last week they experienced a storm that brought wind gusts of 60 to 100 mph. It was sad to see what such winds could do. There were trees over a hundred years old that snapped and were destroyed. The one large tree or maybe I should say trees that is well-known in the area was also damaged. It is four trees that have grown together as one. It is truly sad to see.

Best Acne Treatment

I'm a mother of three and through out the years we have dealt with many issues. They are all grown now, but I can recall the adolescent years. The kids started with the problem of acne. Most teens deal with this to some degree. You wonder what is the best acne treatment out there. Some are risky and others are amazing. It took educating ourselves and input from doctors to guide us in the right direction. Our children came through it all with flying colors.

Weight Loss Supplements

Many today are looking at a variety of ways in which they might lose some unwanted weight. It is becoming a growing concern in our society. I have seen with age that it can become harder then ever to lose the extra pounds. The diet market today offers many weight loss supplements and ideas. What is right for you may not be right for another. Be sure to do what is healthiest for your well being.

Caribbean Cruise

Through out the years a highlight in my family’s lives has been to take a vacation, get away and make awesome memories. We have been pretty good about doing just that. I would say the type of trip that stands out above the rest for me and my husband would have to be taking a Caribbean cruise! Caribbean Cruises are the ideal vacation in our eyes! You can pack your bags, fly to your boarding port and begin your trip without having to pack and unpack again until you arrive back home. You are able to travel to many fabulous locations all in one trip. The experience on the ship is awesome also! There is so much food, it is sure to please everyone. There are activities and entertainment so that you find yourself never growing bored with the adventure. A cruise vacation is like no other trip you will ever take. It stands above the rest!

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Good Bye Texas!

Our son and his family lived in Texas for the past four years. They have recently relocated back to the Midwest and we are so excited! They enjoyed their time there, but are very pleased to be back around family, especially now that they have Emry and a second child on the way. Isn't family great?!!

Classroom Desks

I love shopping for furniture. We recently purchased a new bedroom set. It's cherry wood and has a sleigh type of bed frame. What a difference it has made. My sister home schooled for years and was interested in classroom desks
. Now she can go on line and pick out what ever style she is looking for. There is a variety to choose from. Isn't internet shopping wonderful?!

Friday, July 10, 2009

Gazebo Kits

We are continuing to work on improving our yard. It has come a long ways, but we still have things we may want to look into doing. I was shopping on line and saw where a person can purchase gazebo kits. They can be a beautiful touch in a yard. We may have to look into that further. We are still working on planting more bushes this summer. Always something to do.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Coach Ed Thomas

Another senseless killing in our country. This one falls close to home. Athletic director Ed Thomas of Aplington-Parkersburg Iowa, had his life taken from him this morning. How very sad. He was the football coach for AP High School. Thomas just finished his 37th season of coaching with 34 years at Parkersburg. He was a legend and a leader. Our thoughts and prayers are with the Coach Thomas' family.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Momma and Babies

While on vacation a week or so ago we found a neat site. We were waiting to be picked up at our hotel when we noticed a little family up in a tree near by. It was a momma dove and her two little baby birds. It was so cute. They were all three just staring at us as we looked on. It was a perfect picture moment.

Gold Coins

With the economy in the shape it is in today, we all want to find ways to protect our investments and future. It is not always easy to know what path to take. With the Monex Deposit Company you can find a security in the purchasing of gold coins, silver and other precious metals. They have been in the investment business for over 30 years and are knowledgeable and ready to assist you. Investment leaders are saying that silver is the way to go today. It is in high demand and a great way to secure power and wealth. It can be found in coin or ingot form. Check into the Monex Companies and let them help you with your financial investments.

Cute Piggy

On Father's Day our grand daughter went out to see her Grandpa on the farm. She was introduced to her first little piggy. She wasn't too sure what to think of it, but I think she had fun. They are so cute. :)

Wednesday, June 17, 2009


We had such an awesome time on vacation! We flew in and stayed in Philly for 9 days. We took the train into NYC and toured the city. We had never been there before. There is so much to see and do. We also took the Staten Island Ferry out to view the Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island. We stood at ground zero and it was hard to believe that such a thing could really happen. How sad. We then drove down to Washington DC for a couple of days. We had set up to take a tour of the Capitol building and the Washington Monument. We hadn't toured them before so that was great! We happened to step off of the metro just minutes after the shooting at the Holocaust Museum. What a terrible thing. While traveling back to Philly we stopped in Baltimore Maryland and had supper on the pier at the ESPN restaurant. That was a lot of fun also! Back at Philly we did some site seeing. They have the Reading Market which is awesome! Every kind of food imaginable. And all so yummy! We saw Independence Hall and the Liberty Bell while site seeing. We also attended our son Josh's graduation from Drexel University. He received his Masters! We're very proud of him! All in all it was a wonderful trip!

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Allegro Medical

Founded 13 years ago, Allegro Medical has grown to include over one million satisfied customers. They are one of the largest and most technologically advanced online retailers of life enhancing products. They began with just medical equipment and home health care supplies, but in 1998, expanded to include products like Exercise & Fitness Equipment, Nutritional Dietary Supplements, Maternity/Baby Supplies and Outdoor Gear. Their website is great! It offers a wealth of information on everything they have to offer. It's also very user friendly and easy to navigate through their 55,000 products and 50 categories! I had no problem finding their blood pressure monitors. If you've never checked them out before....head over to their website and see what you think.

What a busy summer!

Saturday we'll be on our way back home from Philadelphia and then we'll start planning for our trip in a couple of weeks to help Josh, Di and Emry move back to Iowa. They are moving back over the 4th of July and so Bill is going to fly down with Di's dad, Mike to help pack them up and drive them back. So once that's over we're over half done with summer, and we'll look back and wonder were it went. It will be nice having all our kids back in Iowa!

Little Stinker

Kaelyn is so quick and such a little climber you can often turn your back for one second and she'll be in something that you don't want her to be. This is a picture of her getting into a bag of chips that Scott set on the table and while his back was turned she climbed up on the chair and helped herself. It's amazing to see the different personalities both of our grandchildren have.

Holsted Jewelers

Holsted Jewelers is a name you may have heard before. I say this because they've been around since 1971 and have millions of satisfied customers. The reason being because of the high quality and affordable designed jewelry, gifts and accessories they offer. No matter what it is you're looking for, it's definitely worth taking a minute and checking out this website. You'll find that they carry a large variety of things in a range of price ranges and styles. You're sure to find something here that you absoutely love. What's so great is that everything is so unique and won't be found in retailer stores. It's all very fashionable and beautiful. I wanted to pass this along for other jewelry lovers like myself. I'm glad I found them and plan on visiting often.

New Places to Eat

One of the best things about being on vacation...besides getting to see new places of all the yummy food we get to eat. Going to different states, we find that there are many restaurants we've never heard of or never tried. It's fun to try new things while away and that's what we've been doing on this vacation. I'm sure loving it!! It's not too often that we try new things like this...usually we stick to the same old restaurants we've been to a hundred this is wonderful!

I Miss My Zoe

We are coming to the end of our trip here on the East Coast and I am starting to think about the trip back home. When I think about the trip I think about Scott, Jenna, Kaelyn and Zoe. Bill and I are use to seeing the kids often being they live so close. But being away from Zoe this long is truely different because I am so use to coming home to her and seeing her every day. She truely is a wonderful dog and I am so glad to have her apart of our family.

Online College

Our son Josh graduates this weekend with his masters. He was able to stay working full time and support his family while getting his degree online. We're very proud of him! There are many people who take advantage of online universities. One of these which I hear a lot about is Capella University. They are an accredited and fully online university that provides graduate and undergraduate degrees. I have visited their website often and enjoy reading about all their school has to offer. They even have something called the Inside Online Education podcast, and most recently featured a discussion with BeverlyEnns, a faculty chair there for reading/literacy. It's interesting to listen to faculty from there and hear how much everyone loves Capella.

This blog post was based on information provided by Blogitive. For more information, please visit

Boy How They Grow

I just can't believe how fast life goes. This picture of Jake (my youngest son) and Emry (my grandson) has brought back memories. I can remember back when Jake was Emry's age. It is so fun to see your kids and your kids, kids grow up. Parenting is a big job and I am very glad that my kids share the same morals that we raised them with. They all make me very proud.

What's This World Coming To?

Our family has spent the whole week touring the East Coast, New York, Philadelphia, and Washington D.C. While in D.C. yesterday, we were getting ready to leave the hotel for the day, and were running about a half an hour behind our schedule that we had planned. When we were on the Train, Jenna called us and said that there was a guy who opened fire with a shotgun. It is amazing how God protected us. If we had left when we wanted to, we would have been in the museum at the time of the shooting. I just don't understand why people do the things they do. What is this world coming to?


PowerOptions is a great tool that can help you find the best returns. They offer a complete suite of educational materials and premium cusomter well as the data you need to invest with stock options. Their patented SmartSearchXL technology cannot be found anywhere else and is great to help you find, compare, analyze, and make money on stock option trading. The option screener makes it easy to sort, filter and anazlye all 3000 optionable stocks online to find investments that meet your goals. What's best is that they actually have a free 14 day trial, so you can test it out and see if it's for you or not. Learn more by visiting their user-friendly site. Here you'll find a wealth of information and everything you need to get you started.


One of my favorite movies of all time is National Treasure, and today I was able to see many of the different buildings and monuments that were in the movie. It's kind of funny, as I'm standing there looking at these different things I can't help but wonder if there is truely a treasure that we don't know about. What a great day of sight seeing.

Trip to New York

We have spent the whole week out on the east coast. My son Josh is graduating from Drexel College with is Master's and the ceremony is in Philadelphia. So we decided to take the whole week and spend some time sight seeing. We first went to New York on Monday, this is a picture of Josh, Di and Emry (in the middle) Bill and Jake (on the left) and Mike and Kris (on the right), taking a walk through Central Park. So far it has been a great trip and can't wait to see more!

Paintball is a site I came across recently when looking for paintball gear for my sons. They have products at low prices and free shipping. Everything from paintball guns, paintball goggles, hoppers and paintball starter packages can be found here. They also carry a complete line of playing and casual apparel, jerseys, paintballs, paintball field gear and accessories for the sport. Dye, Invert, Kingman Spyder, Tippmann, PMI, Empire, Zap, Nelson, and Maddog Designz, are just a few of the names you might recognize here. If you're interested in learning more like I was....head over to their site today. Between their great prices, oustanding products and customer service, you won't be sorry you did.

30 Years Together

Bill and my 30th anniversary is coming up this next week. Bill and I are very excited, the time has just flew by, from a couple, to parents and now grandparents. For our 30th we are going to take a trip down to Des Moines. There are many places we like to shop and eat down there and it will just be nice to get away together and enjoy each others company.

Do You Agree?

Do you agree with what our president has been doing? Are you in favor of his plans and do you think he is doing a good job so far? Do you think that he is fulfilling his campaign promises? These and many other questions have been asked many times in the past few months and will continue to be asked. Not everyone answers the questions in the same way of course. Time will tell.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Wedding Planning

Wedding planning is a fun time, but also a busy time. I think the Internet is great for people planning weddings because there is so much helpful information to be found. For one...I found The Knot Wedding Shot and the high quality wedding supplies they offer recently. They have everything ranging from cameras, ring pillows and attendant gifts to cake toppers and wedding favor ideas ideas! All of these are big things when it comes to planning a wedding, and to be able to find them all in one place is amazing. They are the largest retailer of wedding supplies online and are stocked with unique products you just have to see. If you or someone you know is planning a wedding....pass along this website and check it out for yourself!

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Tall Grass

I love this time of year. The sun has been shining and the grass is growing. Actually the grass is getting quite tall. In fact, the grass is getting so tall that our dog has her belly touching the grass as she walks. Some of you know our dog and might say that her belly touches even in short grass, but now it is even more so. Even so, I love this time of year.

Travel Insurance

We are planning a couple of trips. In doing so we are finding that we will be renting vehicles and flying. Some have said that it is wise to have some type of travel insurance. I would like to look into that further. We want to know that we are safely covered when we are away from home, for the sake of our loved ones. Vacations are fun, but we must also be wise in doing so.

Fat Burner Pill

We have become a health conscious society. There are new exercise facilities popping up everywhere. We are seeing more and more advertisements on TV showing the before and after photos of the rich and famous who have found what they feel are the answers to their prayers. If you are concerned about your weight, you may find that a fat burner pill could be the answer you are looking for. Be sure to do what is healthy and right for you personally.

Weight Loss Pills

In today's fast pace society, it's easy to grab those quick meals on the run. We find as we get older however that those quick meals do not necessarily like us. The extra pounds seem to find their way to our bodies. A person can seek out several avenues in which to loose those added pounds. It may be with weight loss pills or a diet and exercise program. What ever you choose. Do it safely.


Our grandson recently needed to undergo a double hernia surgery. It's never easy to watch a loved one go through a surgery, but it was exceptionally difficult with such a little one. My son and daughter-in-law said that the hospital they were at in Dallas was so good with Emry. You could tell they have done this kind of thing many many times. We're relieved that it is over now.

Saturday, May 30, 2009

House Hunting

My daughter and her husband are currently in the market for a new home. They love theirs, but with his new job they'd really like to move closer. I don't blame them! They have a home to sell first and are hoping to do so something this summer. I know the right buyer will come along, but can't blame them for being anxious to get closer to his job. They've already started looking at homes in the area and recently found one that's very nice. It offers everything they're looking for and is even in their price range. Of course there are personal tastes of the seller that they don't really like...but things like Progress lighting and paint are easy fixes. I'm so happy for them! They deserve a great home.

Time With Family

It's been such a fun day! I've been busy packing, but have had time to take breaks and enjoy some time with our daughter and Granddaugther! Life doesn't get much better than that. We always have so much fun visiting and getting to see what our Granddaughter is doing now. She's SUCH a talker....doesn't stop. She knows so many words and's adorable! They're hoping to move back closer to the area...I look forward to that as then we'll get to see them even more!

Storing Electronics

I really love how far storage units have come. Nowadays we have storage units for all kinds of things. WIth all the technology that's out there it's nice to know that there are audio racks of all sorts which will help hold everything we have. Over the years we've accumulated many DVD players, TVs, Digital Cable Boxes, etc....and to have a place to store them is great! I like a neat and organized house so it's nice that there are options out there which help me do this. This all came to mind as I searched for one recently for our daughter. She'd really like to have one in their basement family room. With the Internet being so convenient I don't doubt we'll find something perfect in no time!

What Will They Come Up With Next?

I'm a little leery to try methods of dieting that involve anything but exercise and healthy eating. seems there are some pretty effective and safe ways to lose weight that are not only great...but also work quickly. Like ephedra diet pills for example. It would have to be something that I've researched in great length before making a decision, but I'm happy to know the option is out there if I should ever want to take advantage. It's amazing how far we've come with all of these weight loss methods...what will they come up with next?!

Vacation Planning

Planning for a vacation is quite the task. I love going away and getting to spend time with family and relax...but the packing thing is anything but relaxing. I've been busy for days making sure everything is getting done. Flying these days doesn't make it any easier...there's just so many rules and regulations now. It will all be worth it in the end though....a vacation away will be wonderful! I can't wait! I hope it doesn't go by too quickly...I want to soak it all in.


It seems twenty years ago you didn't hear about all of these ways to lose weight. If a person wanted to lose weight you had to do it the good old fashioned way....exercise and eating right. Now, there are great diet supplements and other options for those who are seeking an easier and faster process and result. I can't say I support or don't support these methods, as I haven't tried them....but if they're safe and effective then I say go for it!

House Updates

Over the past couple of years we've been able to do some fun updates in the house. We've painted, gotten a gas fireplace, redecorated and even updated our kitchen some. When we did it we couldn't decide between the ceramic tile and the lenolium tile...but in the end decided to go with lenolium. I just like it better...the feel of it, the look, etc. After having it all done I think we made the right choice. It sure changed our kitchen....what a great feeling!

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Kris Allen

This video is so awesome! My husband and are were so excited to see Kris Allen win American Idol last week! We were also cheering for Danny Gokey, but are still pleased with the outcome. Danny will do well also. Go Kris and Danny!!! God Bless You!

Monday, May 25, 2009

Appetite Suppressants

With so many people over weight these days, many are searching for an easy way to lose those extra pounds. There are appetite suppressants, diet pills, exercise programs and more. What is the best and healthiest way to achieve one's goal? We need to find what is best for our own personal lifestyle and situation. It's great to find research so quickly and easily these days.

Friday, May 15, 2009

Condo Life

Jake bought a condo last month and has already moved in. Actually we helped him with the moving. It is a great place for him to live. The other owners are all so nice which makes it even better. He painted and fixed it up very nicely. I am sure he will enjoy being a home owner. Before we left his place, a neighbor came by with some wonderful brownies. They were good enough that only half a pan was left when we headed for home.

Liporexall Review

We are finding that today there is a growing concern for an over-weight population. Society is running at a faster pace. It is easier to grab and go. With the change in our eating habits, we are finding a less healthier lifestyle. Many more Americans are tipping the scale in a direction that isn't appealing to their health and well-being. A liporexall review is showing a quicker way to burn that unwanted fat. It is something worth looking into.

Friday, May 8, 2009


Our grand daughter is quite the talker. Her mommy caught her a few weeks ago saying No to everything. Our daughter thought this might be cute to save for her to watch one day. :) We as parents can relate to this.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Drug Rehab

As many of us know, with life comes many stressful situations. It's not always easy to know how to handle those moments as we are confronted by them. In some cases we find that people turn to drugs and alcohol. Our young people today are facing a variety of adversities. Many not knowing exactly how to handle them. Thank goodness there are drug rehab programs set up out there today for those hurting individuals. You know longer have to handle it alone. There are websites available to gain more information on this subject.

Friday, May 1, 2009


One of Bill's long time co-workers is retiring. Tomorrow there will be a luncheon and a presentation for the person and his family. I don't know if he will try to find another job or not. I presume that golf and other outside activities will be in store for him. I know that Bill plans on golfing with him this summer.

All Inclusive Vacation

Are you ready for that romantic all inclusive vacation package? Well, I know that many of us are looking to escape the cares of life and relax. What better place than the Riviera Maya? The Karisma Resorts are unique and beautiful. They cater to your every need. The white-sand beaches and tropical forests are amazing. You will find ocean front suites, hammocks, jacuzzis, four-poster beds draped in flowing white gauze. They are beautiful! The dining experience is five-star. You won't be disappointed. Take the time to pamper yourself. Try the Karisma experience today. It will be life changing. You will come back ready for anything!

Catch Up

What a day. I spent the day trying to catch up after a couple of weeks of running. I accomplished so much. The washing is done. The house is clean. I even did some additional cleaning that doesn't always get done. I caught up my checkbook and did all the bills that were due. There was even time for some posting, which is always nice. Things are feeling pretty good around here.


We have a bichon frise who is 7 years old. Although she is getting older, she will always be our little puppy. For those of you who aren't familiar with the Bichon dog, they are such a wonderful famliy dog to have. They are so sweet, and very well behaved. She has been such a joy to have as a part of our family. She likes to cuddle most of the time, and is very loving. She's such a good dog too....we can leave her home while we're at work, and when we come home, the house is just as we left it. She's such a sweetie...we love her to pieces!


Weight loss. Two words that many of us really don't want to think or talk about. It's reality. For many of Americans, they are in need of a weight loss program of some kind. Some choose to exercise and diet and others try every new gadget on the market hoping it will be an easy fix. Well, the Anoretix pill is known to help burn fat and suppress the appetite. It has a 95% success rate and increases energy levels while speeding up the metabolism. You can read more about it online.


Jake has been creating and designing since he was in middle school. He loves to work on the computer and has made some beautiful pictures. Recently he had one of his creations printed and framed. He now has it displayed above his sofa in his living room. It turned out wonderful! You can check out some of his work at